
Bit torrent downloader mac os x
Bit torrent downloader mac os x

bit torrent downloader mac os x

Possibly the most notable feature of Vuze, however, is the media website that's embedded into the application. Apparently, in a perfect world, every file should have a share ratio of two which means for each file you download, two users download it from you. You receive comprehensive stats about every file that's downloaded with Vuze (most of which will mean nothing to you though) but most importantly it gives you the all important Estimated Time of Arrival and Share Ratio which tells you how much of a particular file you have uploaded or given back to the community. On the upside, because Vuze is an open source project, there is a large community of programmers, designers and users who are continually testing and improving it and there's an excellent FAQ. Mainly the fact that Vuze is extremely bloated and tries to install two toolbars when you install it. There's no doubt that Vuze offers some spectacularly fast download times but this comes at a price.

bit torrent downloader mac os x

Vuze (formerly known as Azureus) is a bit-torrent client which follows a similar format to eMule but its makers claim it can offer significant improvements in terms of hits, download times and navigating available material.

Bit torrent downloader mac os x